Birth Doula Services

Archive for April, 2013

Why hire a Doula? Part 5: “I don’t need a stranger to help me.”

I can pretty much guarantee that by the time you are ready to deliver, your doula will no longer be a “stranger” to you. Although I haven’t been a doula very long, I can tell you that I have already established some kind of a bond/friendship with every one of my clients.  I have attended quite a few baby showers and am sure I will keep in touch with most of them. For most women, (for a hospital birth) the L&D team will be new to you. Wouldn’t t be nice to have a doula that you are familar with be there to support you and your partner?  A bit of advice here… your instincts when interviewing potential doulas. Most doulas offer free/no obligation consultations (you can meet on neutral ground….like for coffee if you don’t want someone new coming into your home). Take advantage of that time to get to know her. Most women have those mommy instincts about new people. You will usually be able to tell if it is going to be a good fit. Remember, you will be spending some of your most personal/intimate times with your doula. Make sure she is right for you. Most doulas offer, in addition to the initial consultation, several prenatal meetings with you to discuss your birth plan, comfort measures and any other needs you may have. Most offer unlimited email and phone contact. I will even go with you to a prenatal appointment with your healthcare provider to discuss your birth plan. If any questions come up during your pregnancy, your doula can be an excellent resource. I even have a lending library of books, CDs and DVDs that I make available to all my clients. So, between visits, phone conversations, emails, calls and texts, my clients get to know me (and vice versa) very well by the time they’re ready to deliver. I think it is nice to have one more person in the delivery that is just there to take care of you and your baby.

What a doula looks like!

What a doula looks like!

Why hire a Doula: Part 4 “I’m planning an epidural or a C-section, I don’t need a Doula.”

Even if you are planning an epidural and doula can still be helpful. Remember, most women have to labor for awhile before the epidural is placed. Doulas can help with pain management and provide education about epidurals during your pregnancy. Once the epidural is placed a doula can help you with positioning. Medical interventions may decrease your chances of a successful vaginal delivery. Let me ask you…..ever heard of  the possible benefits of a peanut ball being used with an epidural???? I have…… and that’s just one thing I use. Doulas have lots of things in their “Doula bag” that can help you.  Here is a link for more information from Banner Health about peanut balls and laboring with an epidural

Now……with a planned C-section, I bet you are saying that you are sure you don’t need a doula? Doulas CAN  help with planned C-sections. A doula can provide education and emotional support during your pregnancy. They can (depending on your hospitals policy) be there with you and your partner in the operating room.  A doula can provide support after delivery and help you establish breastfeeding.

Doulas can help with every type of birth plan!!

Why hire a Doula: Part 3 “I don’t need a doula, my partner and family will be there to help me.”

Yes, your husband/partner is going to be there……But, how much support can they give (especially with a LONG labor), what are their limits? The doula is there not only to support the mother; they support the partner and any other family members. They can help educate the partner.  Especially if you are first time parents. All of the bells and whistles that go with labor can be overwhelming. The doula can explain things and help ease that “fear of the unknown” somewhat.  The partner can also feel less guilty when a nap or meal break is taken.   My philosophy is that the mom, dad and doula are the best TEAM for your baby.


Why hire a Doula: Part 2 “I don’t need a doula, isnt that what my L&D Nurse is there for???”

Labor Nurses are AWESOME!!! They are some of the most knowledgeable Nurses I know.  Most L&D Nurses have the most genuine caring hearts. However, they cannot spend every minute in the room with you. They may have other patients or be helping other Nurses on their unit. A doula provides constant support during your labor (with a few exceptions….like bathroom breaks). For the most part your doula is there to get you through every contraction. A doula is not there as a “medical” person. They do not examine you or even take a temperature. Doulas are NOT there to replace the Nurse. Hopefully your doula works well with your L&D Nurse and healthcare team. Your doula is there to advocate for you and your birth plan. They don’t get between you and your healthcare team, they help you to advocate for yourself.   A Doula is there to provide you with emotional and physical comfort. Now, doesn’t that just sound nice!!!!  Someone whose only role is to tend to you and your partner!!! That sounds wonderful…..doesn’t it????


Why Hire a Doula: Part 1 “This isn’t my first baby”

Even if you have been pregnant before and had a successful delivery, each pregnancy is different. If you include “pregnancy brain” as well, you may not remember certain aspects of your delivery. You may want to have a different experience with this baby. If you utilized medications during your last delivery (BTW…there is nothing wrong with that) you may want to try an un-medicated birth. Whatever your previous experience may have been, a doula can try to make it better.  Doulas can teach you breathing techniques, positions to help move your labor along, provide massage, acupressure and hot/cold therapy……to name just a few.  Studies show that when labor is supported (by a doula)  the following things usually happen: Labor is shorter, there are fewer complications, there is less request for medications (i.e. less epidural use), reduces the need for medical interventions (i.e.  Use of Pitocin for labor induction, vacuum extraction, forceps and C-section) and there is a greater chance the mother will report a positive birth experience.  Research also shows the mother feels more cared for, will have greater success with breast feeding, has greater self confidence and less postpartum depression. *You can view all of this research by going to


Why Hire a Doula?

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Why should you hire a doula? When I tell people I am a doula, I am usually met with the same response….a slightly cocked head (that usually indicates confusion) and the question…..What’s a DOO-LA??? I have answered it so many times by now that I can usually spout out an answer in the time it takes to ride a few floors on an elevator. I know this because I recently was asked that very question while heading to a delivery carrying my enormous birth ball. After some strange looks, I was able to explain what a doula was by the time we reached our destination. Most women of childbearing years know about doulas.  Doula is Greek in origin and means “woman who serves”.  A certified doula is a trained non-medical professional who is there to provide education, emotional and physical support to a pregnant woman and her partner during  pregnancy, labor and shortly after delivery.  The next question posed is usually….Why would I pay to have someone help me during my labor_________________(insert response from below here)

1. This is not my first baby I know what I’m doing.

2. Isn’t that what the L&D Nurse is for?

3. My husband/partner will be there to help me.

4. I’m planning on having an epidural or C-Section.

5. I don’t need a stranger to help me.

6. I can’t afford it.

I have responses for all of these statements. So, let’s take them one by one.  Over the next few days I will talk about each of the reasons that most state they don’t need a doula. So, please join me and let me know what you think?!

If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it-Dr. John H Kennell, MD


I am an apprenticing Birth Doula in the San Angelo, TX area. I believe in providing non-judgmental support to help you achieve the birth you want to have. I have completed the required training through DONA and just need to complete the required deliveries prior to full certification.
As your Doula I want to help you have the birth experience the YOU want to have. I believe that childbirth is one of the most significant moments in the life of a woman and the people surrounding her. As a Doula I believe in providing non-judgmental guidance and education to assist you in making informed decisions. I strongly support the team approach to childbirth. Having a Doula for labor support does not replace the Dad/Partner/Family Members. Instead, we will work as a team to support the mother and each other. Even the strongest, most stable partner can use some support during labor. I also believe in coordinating care with your healthcare team. So, if your birth plan includes plans for an un-medicated birth, a planned epidural, a planned c-section or anywhere in between, I believe I can be helpful. No matter how prepared you believe you are for childbirth, each birth is unpredictable. The presence of a Doula can be a constant source of comfort, stability, knowledge and unwavering support.